Saturday, May 18, 2024

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Sweden's Prince Carl Philip has married a former reality-TV star and glamour model in a lavish ceremony in the chapel at Stockholm's Royal Palace. Sofia Hellqvist, 30, also worked as a topless model and a yoga instructor before helping to set up a charity.  Her new husband, 36-year-old Carl Philip, is third in line to the throne.


Thousands of well-wishers lined the streets for the event, despite polls suggesting the Swedish royal family's popularity is waning. The new bride appears to have adjusted quickly to the pomp and ceremony of royal life. After their marriage ceremony, the couple took to a horse-drawn carriage to parade through the cobbled streets of Stockholm's old town, waving to crowds in the hot summer sun, before returning to the palace for a 21-gun salute and wedding banquet. About 550 guests attended the ceremony, many of them royals, including Princess Takamado of Japan and Britain's Prince Edward.


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Curators at London's Wellcome Collection will not be surprised if lines form outside their new "Institute of Sexology" exhibition. "It's free and it's got sex in the title," co-curator Kate Ford said Wednesday.  The collection is mostly a witty look at the study of human sexuality, featuring notables from Sigmund Freud to Playboy founder Hugh Hefner and director Woody Allen.


It also has serious elements, including searing black-and-white film footage of the Nazis burning the library of noted German sex researcher Magnus Hirschfeld in 1933. "He was openly gay and Jewish, so a natural (Nazi) target," Ford said. The new exhibit is named after Hirschfeld's original Institute of Sexology to honor him and other sex research pioneers.

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Who will be the Next to Marry? 


Allow us to count down the European royals that most people would like them to occupy "their" palace.

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For one Iowa couple, true love lasted until the very end.Married 72 years, Norma, 90, and Gordon Yeager, 94, died in the hospital holding hands on October 12, 2011, one hour apart.


The couple was hospitalized after a car accident just outside of Marshalltown, Iowa. They were given a shared room in the ICU where they held hands in adjacent beds.

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The Pulitzer Price Epic Romance Novel By Margaret Mitchell


"Gone with the Wind" was first published in May 1936 and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. The story is set in Clayton County, Georgia and Atlanta during the American Civil War and Reconstruction and depicts the experiences of Scarlett O'Hara, the spoiled daughter of a well-to-do plantation owner who must use every means at her disposal to come out of the poverty that she finds herself in after Sherman's march to the sea.