Saturday, May 18, 2024

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Uber flying taxi 

This computer generated image provided by Uber Technologies shows a flying taxi by Uber. Commuters of the future could get some relief from congested roads if Uber’s plans for flying taxis work out. The ride-hailing service has unveiled an artist’s impression of the sleek, futuristic machine it hopes to start using for demonstration flights in 2020 and deploy for ride-sharing by 2028.


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Unmanned Crago Ship 2 

Transporting cargo across the oceans is vital in a global economy - yet ships sully our already polluted planet. Some of the design solutions to fix that sound straight from science fiction. In August, 2017 in San Diego, California, an engineer sat down at his computer and gripped a joystick on the desk in front of him. He wasn’t playing a video game – he was piloting a massive cargo ship thousands of miles away off the coast of Scotland.

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 modularity thumb white 

Imagine if you could push a button to unfold a liveable house anywhere you could have it delivered. It sounds like a sci-fi film about future living, but it's more about physics meets architecture through a new concept by Ten Fold Engineering. The concept behind Ten Fold is simple. The key is a lever. Basically it's a counter-balanced folding assembly that's the DNA for a structure that can unfold from a compacted state (for transportation) to an expanded state.

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 Future Informatioon City

2016 inventions that are making the world better, smarter and—in some cases—a little more fun include from Barbie Dolls that look more like real girls to Orange-Flesh Sweat Potatos loaded with much needed Vitamin "A". From a Soccer Field that fts anywhere to portable shelters that can instantly assist refugees around the world.

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Printing with a 3D printer at Makers Party Bangalore 2013 11
The use of 3D scanning technologies allows the replication of real objects without the use of moulding techniques that in many cases can be more expensive, more difficult, or too invasive to be performed, particularly for precious or delicate cultural heritage artefacts where direct contact with the moulding substances could harm the original object's surface.