Climate Change: We All Live Here Together
Friday, May 3, 2024

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United Nations chief Antonio Guterres says a major new report on climate change is a "survival guide for humanity". Clean energy and technology can be exploited to avoid the growing climate disaster, the report says. But at a meeting in Switzerland to agree their findings, climate scientists warned a key global temperature goal will likely be missed.



Forty world leaders took  part in a climate change summit hosted by US President Joe Biden on Thursday, April 22, 2021. Alice Hill, David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment at the Council on Foreign Relations, shared her thoughts on the meeting.



The United States on February 19, 2021 formally rejoined the Paris climate agreement, the international accord designed to avert catastrophic global warming. President Biden has said tackling the climate crisis is among his highest priorities and he signed an executive order recommitting the United States to the accord only hours after he was sworn into office last month.“We can no longer delay or do the bare minimum to address climate change,” Mr. Biden said on Friday. “This is a global, existential crisis. And we’ll all suffer the consequences if we fail.” The US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord brought cities into the spotlight. Because cities and mayors are acting now, and we must be right beside them as they become necessary leaders in this vital cause. See the world turning green in support of the Paris Climate Accord and the future of our planet.


climate change globe


The unnamed group — which, so far, includes 30 mayors, three governors, more than 80 university presidents and more than 100 businesses — had been negotiating with the United Nations to have its submission accepted alongside contributions to the Paris climate deal by other nations. “We’re going to do everything America would have done if it had stayed committed,” Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor who coordinated the effort. 



Cimate Change


A decade after AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH brought climate change into the heart of popular culture comes the riveting and rousing follow-up that shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution. Vice President Al Gore continues his tireless fight traveling around the world training an army of climate champions and influencing international climate policy. Cameras follow him behind the scenes—in moments both private and public, funny and poignant—as he pursues the inspirational idea that while the stakes have never been higher, the perils of climate change can be overcome with human ingenuity and passion.


aerial view of central park and manhattan 2007 new york

New York City's Central Park


There are 195 countries committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions as part of the 2015 agreement. Still, producing what Mr. Bloomberg described as a “parallel” pledge would indicate that leadership in the fight against climate change in the United States had shifted from the federal government to lower levels of government, academia and industry. Mr. Bloomberg, a United Nations envoy on climate, is a political independent who has been among the critics of Mr. Trump’s climate and energy policies. Mayors of cities including Los Angeles, Atlanta and Salt Lake City have signed on — along with Pittsburgh, which Mr. Trump mentioned in his speech announcing the withdrawal — as have Hewlett-Packard, Mars and dozens of other companies.



The World is Watching Cities, Now More than Ever. The US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord brought cities into the spotlight. Because cities and mayors are acting now, and we must be right beside them as they become necessary leaders in this vital cause.


NYC Green


As the world moves forward from Paris, we're showcasing stories that help explain why cities are so critically important for implementing on the goals set forth in that historic accord. See the world turning green in support of the Paris Climate Accord and the future of our planet.


climate change world


After the Climate Accord was signed the road from Paris moved through member cities Beijing for the Second China-U.S. Climate-Smart Low-Carbon Cities Summit; Singapore for the World Cities Summit; Quito for Habitat III; and now culminates in Mexico City for the sixth biennial C40 Mayors Summit and C40 Cities Awards.


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C40's most recent report analyses the contribution C40 cities can make to delivering the Paris Agreement objective of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees, and what is required during the critical period from now to 2020.  With Trump pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord the most powerful country in the world is now together with only two countries in the world that didn't sign the Paris Accord: Syria and Nicaragua (Nicaragua didn't sign the agreement as it believed it didn't go far enough).  Several states in the US have decided to fulfll the Paris Accord agreement such as New York, California and Washington among others regardless of facing the abrupt show of "lack of leadership" from the President of the United States.


Climate Change on Children


By President Trump pulling the United States out of the Paris climate treaty, he would hurt the planet, make people (especially children) sicker and aggravate geopolitical tensions. But you probably knew much of that. Less obviously, he will also do substantial damage to American interests — the country’s global power and its economy.


World Drop Death


The exit from the Paris accord represents a remarkable lose-lose proposition: bad for the rest of the world and bad for the United States.  This is lost on Trump and his aides for many reasons, but one is their oversimplified, zero-sum understanding of international affairs.


village global 


“The world is not a ‘global community,’” H.R. McMaster and Gary Cohn, two of the most highly regarded Trump advisers, wrote in The Wall Street Journal, “but an arena where nations, nongovernmental actors and businesses engage and compete for advantage.” If something is bad for the rest of the world, it’s probably good for America, according to this view.


 global village

The miserable irony of the Paris withdrawal is how bad it will actually be for the United States. An exit will, as Hannah Waters of the Audubon Society tweeted, “accelerate U.S. decline. World economy moves towards renewables; U.S. is being left behind.” Both Waters and John Upton of the nonprofit Climate Central noted that virtually the only industry that favors an exit from the accord is coal (and not even all of coal).


Make our Planet Great Again

Newly Elected French President Emmanuel Macron Tweed Right After

Trump Announces the US Exit from the Paris Climate Accord

Buidings Around the World Go Green in Support of the Paris Climate Accord


Other energy industries understand that their future success depends on growing renewable energy. Trump, alas, seems happy to do coal’s bidding — at the expense of the rest of the country and the rest of the world. He probably won’t even succeed at bringing back many coal jobs, as Paul Krugman has written.


Future big 


Is Important to Take Into Consideration:

— Waters’s Twitter feed, which points out that, even with an American exit, the accord today includes countries accounting for about 65 percent of global emissions; when it was ratified, that number —

including the United States — was 55 percent.

— A Rhodium Group report (via David Roberts), which points out that America’s “ability to meet its 2025 Paris commitment will depend in large part on the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election.”

— And the work of Michael Bloomberg and various groups connected with him, which emphasizes the impact that states, local governments, companies and others can still have on the climate.



Temperature targets


THE POWER OF C40 CITIES: C40 cities have tremendous power to act on climate ambitions -- and their power only grows when they work together. C40 networks facilitate dialogue amongst city officials. This builds trusted relationships, which in turn ensures that ideas, solutions, lessons, questions, and even friendly competition can flow freely and responsively to cities' needs. Rather than end at a case study or report, C40 Networks create conversations, which enable cities to tailor their own actions to their unique situations, and band together to use their collective power to access partnership resources, including technical and financial support. The result is that cities' climate actions to reduce GHGs and climate risks are bolder, more impactful, implemented faster, at a lower cost and with less resources than if they were to go it alone. No other organisation facilitates such deep connections amongst city staff across 50+ countries, 20 time zones and 26 languages to accelerate local action with major global impact.




Massive Iceberg Breaks Off Antarctica. Impact of massive iceberg that broke off Antarctica. Iceberg twice the size of Luxembourg breaks off in Antarctica. Scientists urge everyone to chill after iceberg breaks from Antarctica. Giant iceberg breaks away from Antarctica.





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The Political and Economic Outlook of Climate Change


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