Saturday, May 4, 2024

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Tel Aviv has become the first Israeli city to unveil a memorial in honour of gay and lesbian victims of the Nazi Holocaust.  The monument in the centre of the city is designed around a pink triangle - the symbol gay prisoners were forced to wear in the concentration camps.  As many as 15,000 homosexuals were killed in the Nazi camps.  Similar monuments in their memory have been erected in Amsterdam, Berlin, San Francisco and Sydney.

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Shimon Peres

Shimon Peres was a leading figure on Israel's political landscape for as long as the Jewish state itself has existed in modern times. He held almost every public office, including those of prime minister and president, although he never led a party to an election victory. Born Szymon Perski in Wiszniew, Poland (now Visnieva, Belarus), on 2 August 1923, Shimon Peres was the son of a lumber merchant. His parents were not Orthodox Jews but the young Shimon was taught the Talmud (compendium of Jewish law and commentaries) by his grandfather and became a strong adherent of the faith. In 1934 the family moved to the British Mandate of Palestine (Peres' father had emigrated two years earlier) and settled in Tel Aviv. Mr Peres died in a hospital near Tel Aviv early on Wednesday, with his family at his bedside.

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15 wtc hub1d

The New Transportastion Hub

Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, designer of the station, said the Oculus resembles a bird being released from a child's hand. The roof was originally designed to mechanically open to increase light and ventilation to the enclosed space.

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911 memorial

The 9/11 Living Memorial Plaza is a cenotaph located on a hill in Arazim Valley of Ramot, Jerusalem. The plaza, built on 5 acres is to remember and honor the victims of the September 11 attacks.

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She's the face of every famous statue from America's Gilded Age and the first actress to appear nude in a Hollywood film—but Audrey Munson's charmed life ended in tragedy.When Audrey Munson was a girl of five, the Gypsy Queen Eliza came to the United States from England.