Jimmy Nelson - Photography
Thursday, May 16, 2024

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With his new book Homage to Humanity photographer Jimmy Nelson and his team will be presenting an all immersive experience that invites you on an extraordinary journey. Next to Nelson’s established iconic photography, this new book will contain personal interviews with the portrayed individuals, compelling travel stories and infographics.


Bio pic Jimmy with kids


This new assemblage of remarkable voyages is accompanied by an state-of-the-art mobile application that will allow readers to view 360 ̊ film material, behind the scenes video, storytelling, and more.


Before they pass away water tribe 


Welcoming you on a odyssey to the remotest and most beautiful places on earth. Therefore this book will not only be an adventure, but an investigation into a far more in-depth catalyst of ethnographic discussion as to the lasting values and importance of these precious cultures.


 Jimmy Nelson Photography Snow american tribes


Since his first internationally acclaimed exploration through Tibet almost 30 years ago, Jimmy Nelson has travelled to the world’s most hidden corners to photograph indigenous peoples.


jimmy nelson tribes portrait 024 1024x614 c


In 2013 he published his first book Before They Pass Away, with which his lifelong dream, to create awareness about the world’s unimaginable diversity, became reality.


Desser walking ahead


The name chosen for this project had roused attention as it may give the impression that he pessimistically saw the sealed fate of those peoples he had come to meet. And maybe this is how he initially felt.


Jimmy with subject before they pass away 1


But since he published his first book, his sustained and amazing interaction with the most diverse range of peoples have made him backtrack on this view.



Where there are challenges, there are solutions. He has come to appreciate the pride, strength, vigour, honour and resilience of the people he asked to pose for his lens. This provides him with an unending inspiration to continue his work and set up the Jimmy Nelson Foundation.


 Jimmy Nelson Yali Indonésie grainedephotographe



The book with the included mobile application will reveal an intimate insight to the peoples of over thirty iconic cultures from around the world. It will give you the opportunity to be captivated into unknown and unspoiled realms, filled with the pageantry of ancient tradition.


jimmy nelson tribes portrait 024 1024x614 c


From the Himalayas with the Sharchop in Bhutan to the Mundari on the dry, isolated vast plains of South Sudan. The images are fascinating, if slightly unsettling and transcend rich cultural prosperity, symbolism and pride in the face of the looming threat of modern society.



Contrasted by the (360) film that will not only take you to the dazzling splendor, but also the reality of day-to-day life of our ever-changing planet. At the junction between civilizations, we are forced to question and search beyond our familiar frames of reference, towards a deeper understanding of humanity.