Saturday, May 4, 2024

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Canadian artist Calvin Nicholls creates amazingly beautiful sculptures using sheets of paper. "Calvin has been creating his paper sculptures since 1986 from his studio north of Toronto Ontario, Canada.This particular series is appropriately titled, "Paper Zoo." To make the art, he starts by observing real-life animals and their movements.

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Mcnearney Titanic Lost Painting

According to claims filed afterwards, Merry-Joseph Blondel's 'La Circassienne au Bain' was the most expensive object to be lost when the Titanic sank in 1912. As the doomed Titanic began its final countdown before disappearing under the sea 107 years ago, there was a last gasp of activity on the deck. These scenes have become well known thanks to big-screen adaptations of the disaster: the rush to load the few remaining life boats with women and children, the brave musicians who took up their instruments for one last concert, the tilt of the deck as the ship began to tip into the ocean.

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 Portrayed of an Artist David Hockney

On a snowy evening in New York City, David Hockney’s 1972 painting Portrait of an Artist (Pool With Two Figures) sold at auction for a jaw-dropping $90.3 million, shattering the previous world record for a work sold at auction by a living artist—Jeff Koons’s Balloon Dog, which went for $58.4 million back in 2013. It also far exceeded the estimated sale price of $80 million, which itself would have been a record. What do these kinds of prices say about the state of the art world, and of the world in general?

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Public Service Announcements (PSA): The advertising techniques used to promote commercial goods and services can be used to inform, educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues. The use of Public Transportation with creative images can be an efficient way to get messages across to a wide variety of target audiences.Advertising, in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable of reaching and motivating large audiences. "Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest—it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes." Attributed to Howard Gossage by David Ogilvy.

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Loveland is an outdoor sculpture park which opened in 2004 on Jeju Island in South Korea. The park is focused on a theme of sex, running sex education films, and featuring 140 sculptures representing humans in various sexual positions. It also has other elements such as large phallus statues, stone labia, and hands-on exhibits such as a "masturbation-cycle." The park's website describes the location as "a place where love oriented art and eroticism meet."