Saturday, May 4, 2024

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There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it.

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better life

Exeercise and a Blanaced Diet

In this busy, work-obsessed culture, people frequently forget to show the necessary TLC to their minds and bodies. Grabbing food that's easy instead of healthy is a frequent symptom of life-on-the-go. But let’s be honest: everyone can afford to spend a little more energy in maintaining their overall wellness.  Learn easy ways to stay healthy and happy from top experts who've made lasting lifestyle changes.

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pareidolia face plant 880

It's been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, made animals and fish... All before making a human. He made and provided what we'd need before we were born. These are best & more powerful when eaten raw. We're such slow learners...

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It has been found that a mixture of honey and Cinnamon may help in the cure of many diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a 'Ram Ban' (very effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without side effects for many type of diseases.

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Natural Cures

A diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables contributes to a healthy body and healthy weight. Fruits and vegetables contain unique compounds that help ward off chronic disease. Fresh produce can also provide you with energy to fuel your days without saturated fats, sodium, added sugars or trans fats. The American Heart Association recommends consuming at least 4½ cups of fruits and vegetables daily.